There are many reason that I have selected to begin this process of weight loss. As many of you that are overweight know the negative health effects of being overweight not to mention the inability to wear clothes that you like or that you think look good to you. But the reasons for health are the most important ones. I have been holding steady at about 270 to 280 for several years and have tried before to reduce the circumference of my girth. Last Spring I was on a good start but I got distracted and all the weight I lost back in April, May and June came back over the past few months.
The worse part is the total knowledge that is it in my hands how I look. So I cannot really blame anyone but myself. There is always time to walk and I can decide what I eat and drink. For the most part I do pretty well but I think my main issue is not with the quality but the quantity of food. This is where my best friend Bill Wegerer went wrong, among other things. He was eating like he was still in high school and college, eating at Burger King and having the large value meals. Well it was a contributing factor to his death when he was just 39 years old of a heart attack. So I guess I have been able to get past that but now I have to start getting this weight thing under my control.
Some of the basic tools I am using are walking clothes and shoes, a iPod pedometer, and blood pressure monitor, and trying to follow some reasonable guidelines. This advise includes cutting out ALL added salt, removing as much oil from my diet as I can. Reducing the amount of refined sugar I intake. Plus I made a spread sheet to monitor my progress daily and give me a “snapshot” of where I am in my journey to lose. I still got to get a good scale.
I am not trying to lose all the weight in a month or two. That is not reasonable or safe. The main thing, to me, is to make sure I can see where my progress is. I found on line a website that a person has made a graphic of proper blood pressure levels. I am a little bit above normal but I think I should get it under control with this plan.
Some other pieces of knowledge I need to know is how much I want to weigh and how much I can reasonably expect to lose over what period of time. My goal is to lose 80 pounds. I will see where I am after that, honestly reaching 180 pounds would be a real good place to be. I would look tall.
So a pound of fat is made up of 3500 kcal. Since I am trying to lose 80 pounds I take those numbers and multiply them to come up with the total number of calories I need to burn 280,000 is the result of that calculation. So Now I need to know how many steps to equal a single calorie. This number is a bit subjective since the more you weigh the more you tend to burn because you have more mass to move but my calculations based upon the Nike website and the number of steps seem to come out to about 12.5 steps to one calorie. SO now I take the number of steps to use on calorie times the number of calories I need to use to reach my goal and get a good idea of how long it should reasonably take me. 3,500,000 steps would be that number to walk off 80 pounds. In miles, take the steps divided by 2000 to get 1750 miles. Not too bad it certainly is a reachable goal.
With this plan I should be looking at about a six pound loss average per month. Of course results will very. Most men lose weight faster than woman and being fat I should lose more at the beginning of the plan than at the end. This is my plan and it should take about 14 months to complete if all the numbers match my actions and vice versa.
Calories Per Pound
Blood Pressure Guidelines